New year, whole new slew of episodes. I love love love this story of letter writing, mischief, and mystery.

Brandon T. Madden has been published in various graduate, and professional journals including “S/tick”​, “The River and South Review”​, “Flyover Country Review”​, “The Write Time at the Write Place”​, “Gravel Literary Magazine”​, “Empty Sink Publishing”​, “Sediments Literary Arts Journal”​, “Twisted Vine Literary Arts Journal”​ “Arlington Literary Journal”​, “Torrid Literature Journal”​, “Balloons Literature Journal”​, and “Gone Lawn”. His political theory piece “Do Americans Still Believe in the Principles of the Declaration of Independence”​ was published by the international journal: The Transnational in 2015.  In 2011, he published his first novel, “V.S.A.” for more information please visit: and to view his other works please visit: He hopes to one day become a competent writer.

Happy New Year,
