
Dr. Toney has published scientific peer-reviewed articles, news media opinion pieces, as well as short fiction stories in O-Dark-Thirty, the literary journal of The Veterans Writing Project, The East Coast Literary Review and in Crack The Spine. Recently, he was nominated for a PushcartPrize for his 100 word story, “The Quiet Raspberry Wormhole” published by Crack The Spine. He serves as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kean University. He volunteers and fundraises for charities such as Music For Relief, founded by Linkin Park, and the RFK Center for Human Rights. He serves on the Steering Committee of the Science and Human Rights Coalition of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). You can follow him on Twitter @jefftoney, read his blog on The Huffington Post, and listen to his podcast interview about how anyone can contribute to human rights issues on Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria 

Happy listening,
