As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, we have 21 contributors lined up for April, so putting together bios for all of them in a way you want to read is a fun and creative challenge for me this week. Four of them are forthcoming on our special Baseball Opening Day Episode, on its way to you tomorrow. You do not want to miss this one.

Photo credit: Susan Khan

Francis DiClemente is making his second appearance here on the show. His short story appeared in Episode 39. He and I first bonded about baseball when I learned the pronunciation of his name is like one of my dad’s idols, Roberto Clemente.

Francis DiClemente lives in Syracuse, New York, where he works as a video producer. He writes in his spare time and is the author of three poetry chapbooks. His blog can be found at

Also making his second appearance on the show is author Jeff Dupuis, whose short story Jeff Dupuisappeared all the way back on Episode 17.

Jeff Dupuis writes fiction, poetry and satire. He is madly in love with baseball and still daydreams that he can become a world-class athlete from the comfort of his basement. His work has been published on The Barnstormer and in magazines and journals such as Valve, Foliate Oak Magazine and University of Toronto Magazine.

We were delighted to receive a submission from Angela Lombardo on life as a Cubs fan. FullSizeRenderShe appears here when her fandom began…

Angie is a lifelong Cub fan.  Her story, “Middle Aged Memory” won an Honorable Mention in the 2015 first/second quarter contest sponsored by  Her piece “Janet Was the Girl” was Flash Fiction Magazine’s featured story on December 29, 2015.  Angie has also read at Anam Cara Live Lit events held at the Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago.

Rounding out this very special bit of storytelling is blogger and storyteller Eddie Snipes.eddie2012

Eddie is the author of several books, including I Called Him Dancer. This book was nominated for the Georgia Author of the Year. He has several award winning short stories.

Happy listening,
