The Poet’s Corner segment returns for Episode 80, this time featuring Episode 67 Contributor Anuja Ghimire.


Anuja Ghimire was born in Kathmandu, Nepal, where she often returns to in writing. She came to the U.S. in 2001, leaving home after the Royal Family Massacre, and arriving to a new country right before the 9/11 attacks. A published author of two poetry books in Nepali as a young girl in Kathmandu, Anuja began writing and publishing in the U.S. She moved to Dallas, Texas after finishing college and continued writing poetry. In 2008, she was a featured poet in the Austin International Poetry Festival. When Anuja was in Kathmandu in the spring of 2015 with her two small children, Nepal suffered the devastating earthquakes. Later that year, her poem “Six” was nominated for a Pushcart prize by Right Hand Pointing. Most recently, she has been published in Medusa’s Laugh Press, Literary Orphans, and The Good Men’s Project. Her poetry and flash fiction has been published in over 40 journals. She lives with her husband and two little girls near Dallas and works as an editor in the e-learning industry. You can find her on Twitter or learn more about her published works and reach her

Happy listening,
